A tech world that we are (still) totally unprepared for...
“...we think of technological changes the fancy new expensive stuff but the real change comes from last decade stuff getting cheaper and faster”
If I reminisce back to less than 10 years ago, 8 to be exact, I remember a world that was B.F (before Facebook), and before the rich i'Devices' that we take for granted now. In less than a decade, we talking about a world, in 2006, that is incredibly different to today. Just to labour the point further, think about what we do to connect on an everyday, even hourly basis now, on trains, at home, travelling, and compare this to the almost prehistoric tech behaviours back then. I mean, I now rarely call people, I don't really text in anywhere near the same way, I don't carry a separate camera and I haven't purchased a physical music CD since 2005. All of these functions, and more, are done on a single device, online, anywhere, anytime.
While I'm indulging you in the moment of amazement, what we don't appreciate as we revel in remembering, is what else is about to hit us. The video below needs no paraphrasing or summary - it is a relatively simple essay on what is coming, and how underprepared we are as we revel in our technological wizardry. Every school should watch this, as should every enterprise involved in designing education - we are still educating kids for not quite today's world, let alone the future suggested here.
What are your thoughts and comments after seeing this...?