Coming very soon will be a series of 30-45 minute masterclasses on a single metacognition concept.
Each webcast session will follow the broad Know-Be-Share model, where I will
Introduce you to a curated version of the single metacognition concept
Illustrate how the concept impacts on education and leadership
Provide guidance and experience on how you can integrate this idea into your world
Provide ideas and materials on how you can share this out in your sphere of influence
The domain model for Brain Changers seeks to make more sense of the disaggregated and growing field of ‘metacognition’.
The concepts will be organized largely into three topics:
Brain State - knowing the black-box functionality in a way that improves its operation
Learn State - knowing and integrating the neurobiology of learning and change
Mind State - knowing and using the processes of self-awareness and self-regulation
Calendaring and further details will be released very soon, and places will be limited by the platform I will be using.
Each of the topics below represents a single 30-minute session. Each will come with the core idea, time for discussing and making meaning of the concept, resources and guidance for integrating the idea into practice.
And of course, there always must be a ‘steak knives’ offer. So each of the sessions will be recorded and uploaded to my online Metacognition Mastery LM., Participants in the live session will have free access to the recording and resources for each session.
And… collaborative learning post the content session will be supported with ongoing engagement with a Padlet Wall for each session.
And… further extra learning shots (recorded), Deeper Dive (live) and Ask Me Anything (live) session will further deepen mastery.
Each 30 minute masterclass, itself, is metacognitvely designed to introduce the content, to allow participants make meaning of the idea and to springboard back into practical actions to take in the classroom.
More than talking-head content transmission, each session is designed metacogntively for impact and legacy.
Register your interest here and I will inform you of the imminent release of the Brain Changer program.